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Best Invisible Braces in Delhi at Affordable Rates

  • September 13, 2023

A great smile is the best thing to wear. However, achieving a beautiful smile with perfect teeth is not as easy as it sounds. Gladly, invisible aligners are offering great success to people who struggle or hesitate to smile because of misaligned teeth. Invisible aligners, also known as invisible aligners are orthodontic devices that are used for teeth adjustment. Invisible Aligners are transparent trays made of special material that are used to straighten teeth just like braces. They use gentle and constant force to move the teeth in the required position without going through the hassles of metal wires and brackets. They are custom-made for each patient through a digital scan. In this blog, we will learn about clear aligners in detail including how these custom-made mouthpieces make you confident to smile, and where you can get the best invisible braces in Delhi at Affordable Rates.

1. Why are clear aligners used?

Clear aligners can be used to treat the following conditions:

a. Overbite or overjet

Overjet or an overbite is a condition when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth or protrude outward. These are horizontal teeth alignment problems that can be easily solved with clear aligners. An overbite can result in frequent chipping of the front teeth as well as being susceptible to lip and mouth injury because of misaligned teeth.

b. Crowded or widely spaced teeth

Many times, the size of the jaw becomes less for teeth to grow and they grow too close to each other and cause a misalignment. Teeth crowding is a condition where we can see teeth growing back and front of each other making a shabby appearance. Contrary to this, when there is more space in the mouth, the teeth grow at greater distances making the gap between the teeth larger than normal.

c. Crooked teeth

When the teeth bend or twist out of shape and appear misaligned, the condition is called crooked teeth. It is a very common problem in both adults and children with causes ranging from injury, trauma, and tooth loss in adults and thumb sucking tongue thrusting and genetics in children.

d. Crossbite

Crossbite is a condition when a few lower teeth overlap or underlap a few upper front teeth. To maintain balance, the jaw moves in different directions to make a perfect bite hence can lead to permanent damage or misalignment of the mouth.

e. Open bite

Open bite is a condition when two or more upper front teeth cannot touch the lower teeth creating a gap between the upper and lower jaw at the front. This problem can lead to untimely and uneven wear of teeth, difficulty in biting, and speech problems.

2. What is the difference between metal braces and clear aligners?

FeaturesTraditional BracesClear Aligners
1. VisibilityThey are made of titanium, stainless steel, gold, chrome, etc., and are very much visible.Made from transparent material, they are virtually invisible.
2. ComfortThey are very uncomfortable to wear and in certain cases, may lead to ulcers in the mouth.Very comfortable to wear and remove as and when required.
3. RemovabilityThey are permanently fixed and only removed at a dental clinic.Clear aligners are removable and can be removed and worn as per comfort.
4. Oral hygieneBecause they are fixed, maintaining oral hygiene with traditional braces is a major challenge.One can easily maintain oral hygiene by removing clear braces when brushing and flossing and putting them back again with ease.
5. DurationThey are fixed so one wears them for a complete 24 hours a day and several weeks.It is recommended to wear clear aligners a maximum of 20-22 hours a day.

3. What is the procedure for installing aligners?

The process involves you stepping up for a series of clear aligners that suit the needs of your mouth after due intervals. The procedure of installing aligners is hassle-free and can be completed in a few sittings. The steps involved are:

  • Consultation – First you have to book an appointment with the dentist to make sure that you can put aligners or not. The dentist would assess your oral cavity to check whether or not you are an ideal candidate for clear aligners.
  • Treatment plan – If you qualify for clear aligners, the next step is creating custom-fit clear aligners for you. Here, the dentist takes a 3D x-ray of your teeth and prepares the best-suited treatment plan for you.
  • Molding process – The scan is used to create a mold that fits perfectly on your teeth. Experts use the digital X-ray to create an apt custom aligner tray for you in the clinical laboratory.
  • Fitting – The dentist will set the invisible aligners on your teeth and check for any gaps. If any gaps are found, the dentist will fit small invisible attachments on your teeth to keep the trays in place.
  • Appointment – You need to schedule appointments with your dentist for regular checkups. During these checkups, the dentist will check the fitting of the tray as well as tooth movements.

4. How do aligners work?

Clear aligners are custom-made to suit the unique requirements of an individual teeth alignment needs. Also, they work step by step in bringing the teeth back to alignment so one has to wear a series of clear aligner trays before they can get perfect teeth. The process includes digitally capturing impressions of the mouth and teeth which is then processed by the experts to understand the exact requirements.

Clear aligners experts use the findings to create tight-fitting, custom-made, clear aligner trays using specialized software. The software helps with the future projections for better results, straighter teeth are computed and then the milling machine automatically custom fabricates the set of trays for you.

5. What are the benefits of clear aligners?

a. Invisible and Removable

The most important benefit of clear aligners is that they overcome the aesthetic challenges of traditional braces. Clear aligners are made of clear plastic and have a snug fit which makes them virtually invisible. Also, they allow the patient to follow best oral hygiene practices. Because it is easy to remove, one can take them out while brushing and flossing and then place them back.

b. No change in Eating habits and lifestyle

Clear aligners do not keep the patients from enjoying their favorite food. Patients can remove them while eating food and after brushing put them on. Unlike traditional braces, one does not need to avoid hard-to-bite, sticky, and other food items they love eating.

c. Minimal visits to the dentist required

As compared to traditional braces, people with clear aligners have to visit the dentist less frequently. There are always scheduled appointments to check the fitting and efficacy, but they are lesser than the counterpart.

d. Very comfortable and convenient

Clear aligners offer next-level comfort and convenience. They prevent traumatic mouth ulcers which are common with metal braces. Also, they can be removed and worn back at any time making them very comfortable and convenient.

6. Guidelines to take care of your invisible braces

To get the best benefits of clear aligners one must follow the below-mentioned care instructions strictly:

  1. You should wear the aligners for at least 20 hours a day (including day and night) for effective results
  2. Remove your aligners while brushing, flossing & eating. Never have it on especially while consuming anything hot
  3. Keep your aligners clean. While you brush make sure that you brush your aligners in the same way
  4. Keep them safe in the box as given by your Orthodontist to prevent them from getting dirty

7. Post-treatment care of invisible braces

Post-treatment care is essential to ensure your clear aligner treatment proves beneficial. Once you get clear aligners, you must:

  1. Take care of your food habits – It is advised to avoid eating very hard and crunchy food while wearing clear aligners. Hard-to-chew and crunchy food can affect your gums making them sensitive and more susceptible to altered shape putting your aligners at risk of misfitting.
  2. Do not forget to brush – While brushing twice is recommended for everyone, those with clear aligners must brush their teeth every time after eating something. This helps keep the aligners clean and stain-free.
  3. Visit your dentist regularly – Clear aligners demand regular visits to the dentist. During these visits, the dentist would check the movement of the mouth, and the progress of the treatment and recommend the next course of action.

8. How can Grover Dental & Implant Care help you?

Grover Dental & Implant Care is an advanced dental clinic in India that utilizes cutting-edge technology to offer dental treatments and services to its clients. We have been offering credible, customized, and long-lasting dental treatments in India since 2016 and have an excellent success record.

Our team of experts include:

  • Dr. Rohan Grover (BDS, MDS) with over 12 years of experience in Aesthetic, Implants, and Restorative dentistry as well as in procedures like Painless RCTs, Crown, Bridge, and Implant prostheses.
  • Dr. Ramandeep Chawla (BDS, MDS) with several years of experience in Basic Life Support and Emergency Trauma Care, minor and major oral surgery, wisdom teeth extraction, trauma, and accidental cases.
  • Dr. Ajay Yadav (BDS, MDS) with extensive experience and expertise in all kinds of braces including clear aligners.

At Grover Dental & Implant Care we take a holistic approach to dental care and offer tailor-made treatments and experiences. We make dental treatments and services convenient, affordable, and very accessible for you at our two branches in New Delhi at Naraina Vihar and Ramesh Nagar, West Delhi.

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