• info@groverdentalcare.com
  • +91-767 821 2322

With Braces and aligners like Invisalign, we can quickly fix an array of issues. At Grover Dental & Implant Care we provide the best and professional invisible braces in Naraina Vihar, Delhi. From simple adjustments to fixing bigger issues, Invisalign is a fast, comfortable and flexible way to change your smile in as little as six months. Powered by the latest technology we customize a treatment plan for you to give you the best and healthiest outcome.

The procedure of installing braces

  • Examination - First the dentist needs to examine your teeth to check if you need braces or not
  • Dental x-ray - Next there is a requirement to take the x-ray of your teeth to create a customized treatment plan as per your requirement.
  • Placement - Next there is time to place the braces on the teeth with the help of dental archwires.
  • Adjustment - After putting the braces it is necessary to visit your dentist regularly to adjust it as per the need.

The procedure of installing Aligners

  • Consultation - First you have to book an appointment with the dentist to make sure that you can put aligners or not.
  • Treatment plan - After that dentist takes a 3D x-ray of your teeth and prepares the best-suited treatment plan for you. Then you have to wait for approx a month to get your set of aligners
  • Appointment - You need to schedule appointments with your dentist for regular checkups.

Benefits of braces

  • It improves your bite.
  • It will enhance your appearance
  • It prevents tooth decay and gum diseases.
  • It prevents any dental injury.

Benefits of aligners

  • They are invisible so no one will notice that you are wearing them.
  • They are removable
  • Better oral hygiene.
  • Fast treatment process.
  • No dietary restrictions.

Frequently Asked Question

In a day you need to wear aligners for at least 22 hours. But you can remove them during meals.

Braces don’t hurt but after the treatment for some days you may feel little discomfort.

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