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A dental implant can be used to ensure that surrounding teeth do not need to be prepared for a bridge. Dental implants are metal posts that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums to provide stable support for artificial teeth. Dentures and bridges mounted to dental implants won’t slip or shift in your mouth, which will make you feel more comfortable and confident while eating and speaking. If your are looking for reliable dental implant treatment in Naraina Vihar, Delhi then we are here to help you.

Long-Lasting, Life-Transforming Tooth Implants!

If you have one or more missing teeth, you may struggle to bite or chew certain foods, or be embarrassed to talk and smile. Having many missing or failing teeth can result in changes to your facial appearance, a decline in your health, and increased self-consciousness. Whether you’re missing one tooth or twenty, dental implants are the ideal permanent solution! These lifelong tooth replacements restore your oral health and smile aesthetics, and even improve your jaw health and they’ll continue to do so for decades!

Enhance your SMILE with Tooth Implants!

One or more missing teeth can affect your life in many ways. You may have difficulty biting and chewing certain food items. The structure of your face may change. Lack of self-confidence while speaking and laughing in public, decline in your health etc. If you have also missed one or more teeth, a dental implant is a permanent solution. This life-changing treatment not only boosts your self-confidence but also helps to restore your original smile, and improve your jaw health and if maintained properly it can last for decades.

Our unique options to upgrade your smile with dental implant treatment in Naraina Vihar, Delhi

At Grover Dental & Implant Care, we offer a variety of options for dental implant treatment in Naraina Vihar, Delhi as per your unique need:

  • Single Tooth Replacements – Due to decay or injury if you have lost a single tooth, this can cause many issues in your mouth and jaw. Your teeth may shift slightly to fill in the gap, or you may find difficulty chewing certain foods. A dental implant is a permanent solution for all these problems, it also helps to bring back your natural smile.
  • Multiple Tooth Replacements – Multiple tooth replacements refer to the process of replacing several missing teeth in a person’s mouth. There are numerous ways for multiple tooth replacements, and the choice depends on factors such as the number of missing teeth, the patient’s oral health, budget, and personal preferences. Replacing multiple teeth can involve bridges and crowns that need replacement every 5 to 10 years, or partial dentures that require adhesive and can introduce dietary restrictions.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures – It is a dental restoration option that combines the benefits of dental implants with the convenience of dentures. These dentures are securely anchored to dental implants, providing improved stability, comfort, and function compared to traditional removable dentures.
  • Full Mouth Dental Implants – Full mouth dental implants, also known as full arch dental implants, is a comprehensive solution for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth in one or both dental arches (upper or lower). This procedure involves replacing all of the missing teeth in the arch with a fixed or removable implant-supported restoration.


  • Consultation - Before the work starts first you have to undergo a general consultation. The dentist will check if you are a good candidate for dental implants or not.
  • Examination - After that, the dentist will do an examination regarding your dental health. He/she will take impressions of your gums and teeth also.
  • CT scan of mouth - Then a CT scan of the mouth will be taken specifically the area in which the tooth is missing.
  • Nerves and sinuses - Next the dentist needs to locate which are the nerves and sinuses needed to avoid during the implant surgery.


    • Natural and comfortable
    • Enhance chewing function
    • No need to take out and clean every day
    • Lower risk of cavities

      Frequently Asked Question

      Should have healthy gums, have enough bone to anchor the implants in the jaw, committed to taking care of the implanted teeth with regular brushing and flossing.

      You may experience some pain and swelling immediately after your surgery, but once your implants take hold, they should feel just like normal teeth.

      No, they are completely fixed in the bone and allow the jaw to move naturally.

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